338 Boats Registered for Upcoming Water Festival 2023

A total of 338 boats from across the country have registered for the forthcoming boat races during the Water Festival to be celebrated from Nov. 26 to 28, 2023.

The update was shared by H.E. Chhin Ketana, Permanent Vice President and Secretary General of the National Committee for Organising National and International Festivals.

In pair, all the boats registered will challenge each other within the length of some 1,700 metres on Tonle Sap River, in front of the Royal Palace in the three afternoons.

The three-day Water Festival is one of the most joyful festivals in Cambodia. People across the country flock to Phnom Penh capital to enjoy the festival’s three main events: boat racing, Loy Pratip (the display of decorative lighted boats from different public institutions), Sampeas Preah Khe (Moon Festival) and Ok Ambok (a type of glutinous rice roasted and crushed with pestle eaten with banana or coconut juice).

Annually, Cambodia organises the Water Festival to mark the end of monsoon season, convey appreciation to nature, especially water, for the productive harvests, and commemorate the country’s rich culture and long history.