Preah Sihanouk, Battambang and Phnom Penh Remain the Most Visited Tourist Destinations

Preah Sihanouk coastal province, Battambang province, and Phnom Penh capital remained the three most attractive tourist destinations in the second week of July.

According to a report of the Ministry of Tourism released this morning, last week, Preah Sihanouk province received 66,557 tourists while Battambang province and Phnom Penh capital, 35,664 and 33,211 visitors, respectively.

The ministry lauded the increase in the number of tourists, both national and international, even though the National Election is approaching.

Overall, it pointed out, some 296,000 local and foreign tourists were recorded across the country during the second week of July, up about 3 percent compared to the previous week. Of them, 259,441 were national tourists and 36,564 were internal foreign visitors.

In the first six months of this year, the Kingdom has welcomed some 2.57 million international visitors, a skyrocket increase of 409 percent from 506,762 over the same period in 2022, the ministry underlined recently.

Tourism is one of the four pillars supporting Cambodia’s economy, in addition to garment export, agriculture, and construction and real estate.