PM: Improvement of People’s Living Standard, a High Priority of the Royal Government

Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet has reaffirmed that the improvement of the people’s living standard is a high priority of the Royal Government.

“I have followed closely the minimum wage discussion from the beginning. Bettering the living standard of the citizens, including the workers/employees is the highest priority of the Royal Government,” said the Premier in a message this afternoon after the National Council for Minimum Wage (NCMW) approved the monthly minimum wage for garment workers/employees for 2024.

“Earlier, I received a report from H.E. Heng Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, on the results of the NCMW’s election on three figures: US$202, US$204, and US$213, and the final figure is US$202 with 46/51 votes,” he pointed out.

“[…] I decided to add US$2 to the approved figure of US$202. Therefore, the new minimum wage for 2024 is US$204 per month.”

Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet expressed his commitment to continue urging relevant ministries, institutions and authorities to examine the possibility of reducing the spending of workers. He added that he will chair a meeting with the private sector in November to improve the investment climate and Doing business in Cambodia aiming to increase competitiveness, attract more investment and create new jobs.

Samdech Thipadei also expressed thanks to all stakeholders, especially the workers’ and employers’ representatives for their professional and collective efforts in discussing the new monthly minimum wage.