A Message from Samdech Techo to the Compatriots During the 20th Anniversary of Mine Awareness Day

on 21 February 2019 Samdech Techo has sent a message to the compatriots during the 20th Anniversary of Mine Awareness Day .

Samdech Techo said that 24 February 2019 is the 20th Anniversary of Mine Awareness Day to remind our compatriots, especially the ones who live in areas affected by mines and cluster munitions must pay high attention for hazards caused by those mines.

Samdech has added that those mines are remaining from Indochina wars and internal conflicts in Cambodia for more than three decades, not only caused a great tragedy to our lives and health, but also an obstacle for restoration and development of family and national economy.

At the same time, the Royal Government of Cambodia considered the mine action sector as the 18th target of the UN’s sustainable development goals and included the sector as an important element in its rectangular strategy.