Training Course on Internal Management Policy and Audit Procedures of MoWRM

On Tuesday Morning 07 May 2019, H.E Bun Hean, Secretary of State for Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, opened a Training Course on Internal Management Policy and Audit Procedures at Tonles Basacc 2 Restaurant. H.E said that this course was convened by the Ministry accompanied with Ministry of Economy and Fiance under the Public Financial Management Reform (Phase 3) (2016-2020). For the common purpose, it is desirable for the management and officials of MOWRAM to better understand and deepen the Auditee’s internal controls, audit procedures and the internal audit tasks. This training course has proven to be supportive and a very important and timely response to the needs of civil servants of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, especially in the Public Financial Management Reform Program Phase II. 3 “Linkage to Policy” as well as preparations for Phase 4 .